Product of the week: HP Watermaker showcase exclusive product

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Anyone who is involved in yachting knows that watermakers can be one of the most annoying machines in the yachting world. Pressure regulation settings, system flushing, membranes clogging… and the list does not end there. These are problems that can threaten to spoil precious time on board, which is where Italian company HP Watermakers comes in.

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HP fully automatic start & stop Watermakers feature the RP TRONIC system, technology that allows owners and crew alike to all but forget about their previous watermaker problems. The exclusive RP TRONIC is a patented automatic pressure regulation valve which distinguishes HP from their competitors, with the brand offering a three year guarantee and 24/7 worldwide service to their customers.

Gianni Zucco, co-founder at HP, says: “We like to consider our watermakers as household appliances. We want our customers just to press a button and produce water, forgetting about old-fashioned procedures. Anyone must be able to use our system, not worry about it, and just keep relaxing on the deck!

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Zucco details another of the brand’s products, the economical and reliable non-electric portable water softener, DEMI 5, designed to eradicate limescale spots and limestone in the yacht’s fresh water supply system. “With DEMI 5 anyone can wash a boat in a very limited time or fill the fresh water tank without taking care of the water quality of the marina. Furthermore, it is so small that it can be stored anywhere!”, added Mr. Zucco.

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Hear more about the Demi 5 at

HP Watermaker
Via Fratelli Cervi 16 - 20080
Zibido San Giacomo

E: [email protected]
T: +39 02 900 053 69