Southern Wind’s 25th anniversary rendezvous kicks off today

Cape Town-based shipyard Southern Wind are celebrating their 25th existence year which forms part of the Southern Wind Trophy which runs from today until Saturday on the jetset island of Capri. The event is held within the Rolex Capri International Regatta.

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CEO of Southern Wind Shipyard Willy Persico speaks about the region with great memories: “The return to Capri is a bit of a sentimental journey for me,” he says. “I grew up in Naples so these waters bring back many a fond memory. Capri seemed the most appropriate choice for the Rendezvous and Trophy that will celebrate this very special anniversary year.”

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A fleet of twelve to thirteen Southern Wind yachts will enjoy light racing against fellow shipyard counterparts over the next four days while also competing against the various other classes taking part in the International Regatta.

Racing will be organized according to the new Racing Rules of Sailing with staggered starts. On top of the rich and varied regatta and events program, Southern Wind owners, crews and friends will also enjoy a dinner at Capri’s famous “La Canzone del Mare” restaurant with its breathtaking view over the Marina Piccola and the Faraglioni rocks.

Track the event progress here.