Yacht Tender Agent at Cannes, Monaco and FLIBS

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Dutch experts on all there is to know about toys, tenders and rescue equipment for superyachts and more, Yacht Tender Agent is dedicated to informing owners, ship builders, brokers, charter agents and captains on the latest toys and tenders. Their tailor-made, independent advice offers clients an easy and efficient solution to their tender and toy needs. With the ability to deliver the products as well as offer appropriate aftercare, all that’s left to do is sit back and dive into your new selection of high-quality toys and tenders.

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Director, Jiddo Visser, says: “Whether you are a demanding consumer, (super)yacht builder, agent, owner representative, broker, captain or crew member working for a charter company or management office: Yacht Tender Agent represents high quality and a high service level when it comes to tenders or watertoys. Due to our close partnership with a large number of manufacturers and our unique partnership with Toys & Tender Magazine, we are able to efficiently cater to your tender and toy needs and are consistently up to date with the latest developments and trends.

For more information, specifications, 2D/3D renderings or a direct quote, head to their website here. Yacht Tender Agent will also be present at three upcoming yacht shows: The Cannes Yachting Festival from 12th to 17th September, The Monaco Yacht Show from 27th to 30th September, and the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show from 1st to 5th November. To make an appoint with the brand’s Director, Jiddo Visser, contact him directly at +31 652 892 150.


Yacht Tender Agent

T: +31 652 89 21 50
E: [email protected]
W: www.yachttenderagent.com

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