Feadship unveils its all-new F-stream design at the Monaco Yacht Show

Come meet the newest scion of the Feadstream family in Monaco as Feadship proudly unveils its all-new F-stream design. Following on from the phenomenal interest in the X-stream, the wizards at De Voogt Naval Architects have conjured up another exciting vision of where luxury yachting might be heading.

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The F-stream synthesizes the very latest concepts in hull design, glass construction technology and aesthetics. A hybrid propulsion package hints at a new age of comfortable power, while the layout reflects the evolution in how owners use their yachts.

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For an exclusive glimpse into tomorrow’s world, visit the Feadship stand (QD5) at Monaco. The Feadship people will be pleased to introduce you to an F-stream way of thinking...

Photo credit: Merijn de Waard / Yacht-Images.com