Moonen's refreshed website up and running

Moonen Shipyards has announced that its totally re-designed Website is now “open for business” at: The new more user-friendly site features a survey of Moonen activities since its beginning more than a quarter-century ago.

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This includes information about some highlights of the Moonen yachts launched since 1981, with specifications, drawings, and photos. Details of yachts currently under construction for launch in the near future are also available. And you can take advantage of “sneak previews” of exciting Moonen designs being developed for tomorrow’s clients.

Significant refits of Moonen yachts and those of other fine builders are surveyed, yachts currently for sale by Moonen’s Brokerage are listed, and our boat-show calendar is shown.

Finally, the Website offers you opportunities to download a variety of information, request printed matter such as brochures for various yacht models or our 25th Jubilee Book, or order informative DVDs. In short, offers everything you would like to know about Moonen Shipyards.

For more information, contact:
Moonen Shipyards